Over 50s Dating Guide
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Start searching for your perfect partner now……………….
There is lots of material available on the internet relating to dating advice and an over 50s dating guide would probably be very similar to a dating guide for any age. Using the internet brings in some new elements to dating which makes things easier but you should do a little preparation before you jump online.
The first thing to start thinking about is your profile. It may seem like an obvious place to start, but perhaps you tend to undervalue your own qualities; or think you work well with one personality type when all your friends would be disagreeing with you? Ask yourself some searching questions, think about what has worked well for you in the past (and what hasn't). You want to work out what you really like and don't like, what you find attractive and what personality types you work well with. Some would say it's not possible to objectively assess yourself and if you find this hard, you can always ask a friend to help by providing an external perspective on some of your questions and statements.
Spending some time at the start to work out your likes/dislikes and being able to describe yourself will make creating and updating your profile so much easier. It is important to be honest and be clear about your reasons for being a member, including what sort of friendship/relationship you are looking for, the type of partner you are interested in etc. This will ensure that the best matched members will find you when they are searching the site.
When you finish your own profile, start to build up a profile of the type of partner you are interested in finding. These steps may sound clinical but this approach has been proven to work well (and you can always edit your profile at a later date!)
Once you have a profile, use it to build a list of characteristics you are looking for in a partner, then search and score. This may feel awkward at first but stick with it. Not only will it get easier, possibly even become fun - more importantly it will help you to find people who have similar interests, the same expectations and who you will most likely get on well with.
Finally when it comes to actual meetings then traditional dating advice is still very sound.
Reduce any last minute panics by laying out a couple of outfits so you have a "change of mind" option
Make yourself feel good, get your hair & makeup done
Get a facial, manicure or even a massage to relax you
Ask your friends for pre date support
Tell a friend about your plans for the date, you could even arrange to meet up with them at the end of the date for a post date chat
Have Fun!